Packaging et alveoli for fruits and vegetables

Alveoli for fruits | Packaging recicling PET

thumb_alveolos Envases agroalimentarios

ACUDAM propose une large gamme d'emballages pour les fruits et légumes dans une variété de mesures.

Les alvéoles sphériques sont adaptés à fruits ronds et légumes tels que les pommes, les prunes, les pêches, les grenades, les tomates et les autres.

Fabriqué à partir de PET recyclé conteneurs gamme ACUDAM est capable de s'adapter à tous les besoins du secteur, grâce à la grande variété de produits qui le composent. Dans le domaine de l'emballage ACUDAM trouver le budget pour des solutions plus sophistiquées avec ventilation fiable et systèmes de verrouillage. Nous fabriquons également des emballages personnalisés.

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Packaging and alveoli to fruits and food

ACUDAM offers a wide range of packaging for fruits and vegetables in a variety of measures.

The spherical cells are suitable for round fruits and vegetables such as apples, plums, peaches, pomegranates, tomatoes and others.
The cells for pears and figs are for different varieties of these fruits.
Alveoli kiwi, besides being suitable for the above result, may be used at the same fruit or vegetable.
In addition to those presented here, can tailor ACUDAM other packaging for fruits and vegetables, as well as for other uses.

Baskets and plastic trays are ideal for food packaging for direct marketing. For materials used in its manufacture are designed to protect the goods during transportation, ensure the proper preservation of content and ensure proper handling destination. In addition, transparency and packaging design Acudam, give the product added value both to be displayed. Therefore optimal fruit, vegetables and fresh greens.

Made from recycled PET containers range ACUDAM is able to adapt to all needs of the sector, thanks to the wide variety of products that compose it.

In the field of packaging ACUDAM find the budget for more sophisticated solutions with reliable ventilation and locking systems. We also manufacture custom packaging.

 We also have packaging for quail eggs in different models. 

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